Grand River Academy Of Dance

Healthy Snacks for Dancers

Competitions season has arrived and recital is right around the corner!! We thought we would share some of our favourite healthy snack ideas for dancers! Check them out below:  

  • Energy-Boosting Smoothies:  Smoothies packed with fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious ingredients are a great to go snack for before, during or after dance 
  • Power Snack Bites: Whip up no-bake energy balls or bars using ingredients like oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. These snacks are perfect for dancers to grab on the go and provide a quick boost of energy during long dance sessions. 
  • Flexibility Fruits: Certain fruits are known for their health benefits – especially at dance, such as bananas (for potassium to prevent cramps), oranges (for vitamin C and hydration), and berries (for antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties). You could create fruit salads, smoothie bowls, or fruit skewers. 
  • Dance-Inspired Desserts: Dancers deserve treats too! Treat yo-self to healthy yet delicious desserts that satisfy your sweet tooth without sacrificing nutrition. Think of recipes like yogurt parfait with layers of fruit and granola, or dark chocolate-dipped fruit. 
  • Hydration Station: Don’t forget about the importance of staying hydrated! Use a refreshing infused water combination, such as cucumber-mint or citrus-berry, to encourage yourself to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day